Rotating elements and path-like processes are our core areas of expertise
Finding system solutions and mechanical manufacturing is our profession
Training & coaching is our calling
Everyone says, "This can't be done!"
Then someone came along who didn't know that
and just did it!
BMG - Bernie Meier GmbH optimizes the business development with you. The "software" human (human capital) acts in conjunction with the "hardware" technology!
Enriched with knowledge from practical experience and permanent further training in technology and training methodology, we complete your orders and specifications with great pleasure and enthusiasm.
The BMG team brings over 40 years of operational experience in the industrial environment. We live the technology and do not talk about problems but discuss solutions.
Specializing in path-like processes, automation, and coatings, as well as roll and cylinder construction.
Starting a business and generating revenue is one thing. Keeping the business at scale and moving it forward is another.
BMG has chosen 8 focus areas to actively support you:
4 areas in manufacturing for core industrial components, and 4 areas in sales, leadership and health management.
Current mandates 2020/21
Allmetra AG
Pfister Werkzeugbau AG
Zimmer & Kreim GmbH & Co KG
Oekopack Conservus AG
OMB Maschinenfabrik AG
AGEMA Germany GmbH
Contact us
BMG - Bernie Meier GmbH
St. Gallerstrasse 32
8853 Lachen SZ
+41 (0)71 920 01 02‬
Visit us
logistics / distribution
BMG - Bernie Meier GmbH
Niederstettenstrasse 15
9536 Schwarzenbach
+41 (0)79 437 66 94‬